Saturday, January 29, 2011

Program for Fitness

The best program for fitness is what includes vibration in the body with a vibration machine or vibration exercise machine.

In the 60's the Russians, in the middle of the cold war and during their space program, they started to experiment looking to neutralize the negative effects of long period of time in zero gravity like accelerated loss of bone density and muscle atrophy. Curiously they found that using vibrational machines which vibrates in small vertical and lateral movements (1 to 2 mm) from 20 to 60 Hz (20 to 60 cycles per second), they could mimic or better to say, they disguised the human body to naturally maintain bone density and staying fit.

In a recent German study, whole body vibration training alone reduced cellulite on subjects’ thighs and buttocks. Also, when cardio exercises were added to vibration training, cellulite dropped even more.

Why I am telling you all this? Do you see the connection?

Welcome to the easiest way to stay fit, no matter your age, or any other incapacitating condition, as long you can stay or sit for 10 or 15 min every two days on these vibrating machines, you are exercising, maintaining your muscles, improving your bone health and shedding fat.

Final thoughts, perhaps the best beneficiaries of this new concept of workout are the elderly, the incapacitated and the overly fat which can not exercise because of their condition.

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